Mooste Mõisa tall-tõllakuur
Mõisahoovi tee 5, Mooste alevik
Põlvamaa 64616 Eesti
Phone: +372 56 226 066

Building: Eestimaaehitus – Competence Center for Ecological Building / Architect: Esplan OÜ / Main contractor: JB Ehituse OÜ / Finishing: members of Eestimaaehitus / Location: Mooste Manor complex, Estonia / Photo: Mikk Luht
Eestimaaehitus – Competence Center for Ecological Building
- we advise and connect organisations, companies, and individuals operating in this field;
- we offer a wide-ranging training service;
- we promote traditional and modern solutions in the fields of energy-efficient construction and natural building materials;
- we belong to international networks;
- we initiate and facilitate international cooperation and cooperation between research institutions and companies;
- we opened a training, product development, and competence center for ecological building in the Mooste Manor complex in 2020.
Eestimaaehitus MTÜ is a member of the Earth Build Europe network, European Straw Building Association and training partner of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.
Eestimaaehitus MTÜ
Phone: +372 56 226 066